Monday, August 15, 2011

Reaching Boys Who Struggle: Understand Boys' Basic Requests for Communicating

1. Give me a way out. Sometimes I screw up, but that doesn't mean I'll always act that way. I need a way to move on without being too embarrassed about how stupidly I just behaved. Tell me how I can be better. I want to know.
2. Help me know my strengths. Help me understand what skills I have or am improving in, both academically and socially. I don't always know what they are or how to make the most of them.
3. Help me relax into learning. Laugh sometimes, even at yourself. If I know you make mistakes, it makes it easier to accept when I do.
4. Help me "save face." Don't humiliate or make fun of me in front of others. It does not make me want to work harder. I will hate you for it and be forced to get back at you.
5. Inspire me. Share your passion about what you are teaching with me. Help me to feel excited about what I'm learning. Your enthusiasm rubs off.
6. Keep it private. If I make a mistake, be a matter-of-fact in telling me why, and do it as privately as possible.
7. Let me know I matter. Greet me as though you care and are glad I'm there.
8. Make it real. Help me understand why things are important in the real world. It helps me want to learn more.
9. Notice when I try. Let me know somehow when I do things well. I like to hear that. It's OK if you tell  my parents.
10. Speak to me with respect. Treat me with respect and show me what that looks like. Sometimes I don't know, and if I mess up, a kind response speaks loudest to me.

From Teaching Boys Who Struggle in School:  Strategies that Turn Underachievers into Successful Learners P.90-100

10 Strategies for Reaching Boys Who Struggle

  1. Build Trusting Relationships
  2. Follow These Guidelines for Classroom Policies 
  3. Understand Boys' Basic Requests for Communicating
  4. Give Effective Directions
  5. Give Informational Feedback
  6. Use Affirming Statements
  7. Teach Pragmatic Communication Skills
  8. Increase Physical Comfort
  9. Apply the Principles of Active Learning
  10. Build Literacy Through Engaging Activities

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